For more than a decade, we have forged meaningful partnerships with local families, indigenous students, Amazonian leaders and like-minded organizations to contribute to the regeneration of the Amazon with a positive, solution-driven approach. This work is only possible thanks to a network of conscious individuals, who, throughout the years, have joined our movement and supported our work in different ways.
Regenerating the Amazon is more than a mission; it's a commitment to recognizing the intrinsic value of this precious ecosystem and its peoples. Operating within our three thematic programs – Permaculture, Intercultural Education, and Human & Nature Rights – we aim to empower a life-affirming movement that shapes a sustainable and vibrant future.
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Regenerating the Amazon through Permaculture
We bridge traditional indigenous land-management techniques with modern permaculture methods to develop sustainable, integrated alternatives to land-use. Our main focus has been to promote what we call “chacras integrales”, a non-burning and diverse agroforestry system. As part of this integral system, we also promote and teach the keeping of native stingless bees, valued by the communities as a source of medicine and income.
Between 2019 and 2023:
- Over 150 people (indigenous leaders, women, students, and local farmers) trained in regenerative agroforestry at our Permaculture Center.
- 23 indigenous individuals (women, students, and community leaders) trained as agroforestry and native bee keeping promoters in their communities.
- 6 indigenous students completed officially recognized internships at our Center.
- We supported 68 families to enhance and diversify their traditional family plots, installing approximately 43 hectares of non-burning agroforestry systems.
- We worked in 09 Amazonian communities, including 4 indigenous Kukama communities and 1 indigenous Shawi community.
Currently, under the leadership of the Kukama women of the Huaynakana organization, we provide regular technical assistance to 20 families in the Marañón river, and 12 in the Nanay river basin. We also advice 05 indigenous organizations on regenerative agroforestry.

“I would have liked to learn when I was younger, but I am not yet so old. There’s still time […] Someday my grandchildren will harvest and be able to say 'this was planted by my grandmother'”
Meet Juanita here
Supporting the future leaders of the Amazon
Indigenous youth represent the future leaders of the Amazon, yet they encounter various academic, economic, and social obstacles on their path to leadership. To support them we’ve incorporated artistic forms of expressions to enhance their communication capacity and consolidate their advocacy and demands. We offer academic tutoring, psychological support, foment and advice small entrepreneurship, and promote women’s participation and empowerment, so the students can successfully pursue their academic career.
As a result of all this...
Indigenous students have strengthened their capacity to raise their voices to speak about the issues that affect them. They’ve created music, written and planned the “Ser indígena” documentary, and produced and starred their own short films. In the academic aspect, the last two years, almost twice as many students have passed all of their courses at the National University of the Amazon and student dropouts have been reduced by almost 70%.
Currently, we are working on a intercultural training program that we call “Promoters of Good Living”. Through exchanges, debates, cultural activities and practices, the indigenous students are developing their potential to lead positive changes in their communities. The aim of this project is that they combine and integrate their experience from the urban-academic world with the traditional knowledge of their cultures.

“When I started university I had many issues with the Spanish language, I couldn’t understand what my teachers taught me but with time I started learning little by little. I was one of the students who participated in the academic tutoring classes, I took the writing lessons and thanks to them I was able to improve. This got me thinking that we can't let obstacles get in our way. We have to overcome them”

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Empowering indigenous women
Our work in this program focuses on empowering indigenous women. Our main partner is the female led Kukama organization Huaynakana Kamatawara Kana from the Marañon River, with whom we currently implement a mutual project to strengthen their individual and organizational capacities to pursue the organization’s vision and goals.
Through our work with the indigenous movement
We have produced documentaries, reports, and contributed to a policy paper on food sovereignty and regenerative and culturally sound production systems in the northern Peruvian Amazon for The Sacred Headwater Initiative (SHI).
During the Covid emergency, we also made great efforts to alleviate the impacts of the pandemic on indigenous communities, raising $125,000 for basic medicines, food support, protective gear, and emergency funding for the local / indigenous peoples in need.
Today, besides promoting the recovery of sustainable indigenous production systems, which contribute to additional income and food sovereignty of Amazonian families, we work with indigenous, local and international organizations to raise awareness about the importance of nature rights, contributing to campaigns that seek to mobilize the population to change this situation.

"We want the Marañón river to be respected. It wants to live peacefully, just like we want to live in tranquility. [...] What we are asking for is not only for the Kukama people, not just for the Amazonians, but for the whole country and the world. What we are asking for is a very fundamental issue."
Donate Now and contribute to the Amazon's future!
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Bitcoin: bc1q0eqd744q7xm87hfex2we6aenpm0kfxus8ltml4
Ethereum (ETH or ERC20 networks only! BSC not supported yet): 0xe32Da3C61a35c92b6197EcD4DE30eFe39EBA2038
Litecoin: ltc1qjr2eznw8r7g5kuhm06larnjtu66ygvd9jft66q
Dogecoin: DL57BhQQbR77DjCwgXWZLu8z2PJvLMeMV2