Celebrating 12 years of the Chaikuni Institute

1 minutes read

This year marks the 12th anniversary of the Chaikuni Institute, a milestone that fills us with pride and gratitude. Over the past twelve years, we have dedicated ourselves to honoring and preserving ancestral indigenous knowledge, working hand in hand with Amazonian communities to protect, promote, and regenerate life in the Amazon Rainforest.

Founded initially as the Chaikuni Permaculture Institute, our organization has grown and diversified, now encompassing three vital branches: Permaculture, Intercultural Education, and Human & Nature Rights. Our journey has been rich with achievements and impacts, and as we reflect on these years, we are reminded of the resilience and wisdom of the communities we serve.

In celebration of our anniversary, we are pleased to share a comprehensive document detailing our accomplishments from 2012 to 2024. This document highlights the significant milestones and the collective efforts that have driven our mission forward. We invite you to explore these achievements and join us in celebrating this journey of collaboration and growth.