73 hectares of amazonian paradise guided by the indigenous understanding "Sumak Kawsay" (Life in Harmony). A place of research and creation based on ancestral knowledge, sustainable development strategies and technology.
Nature reserve, collecting routes, natural buildings, medicinal plants work, productive areas, food transformation infrastructure, communitarian living.
A truly mind-opening places to be. Really close to the equator, the Center is located in the humid tropics, one of the most diverse environments in the world. With clayey or sandy soil and huge amounts of rainfall, you will experience life at its maximum potential. The local population is made up of traditional Peruvian families and some native ones.
At our Center you will see examples of natural building techniques, plant nursery, solar electricity, biological waste water treatment recycling, compost toilets, rain water harvesting and diverse interactive plant, animal and tree systems for local food production and processing.
Almost all the projects implemented in tour Center are designed as a model that can be replicated within the local village, throughout this region and other countries in the region.
Our Infrastructure

Circular space built with local wood and palm leafs. Our group meetings and special occasions are held in this building. The rest of the time is an exersice, meditation or yoga space.

Compost toilets

Sinks and Showers

Dining Room



Coffee Shop


Private Tambo

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